August 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Point

Dear Carter,
I took your brother and sister to Thanksgiving Point last week. You know, I'm learning that it's more and more fun to do things like this with them....mostly because I love to see the world through their eyes, and listen to what they think about these outings. While we were there, we went through the Museum of Ancient Life which was Mikey's favorite, and wouldn't you know it?! They had a prehistoric butterfly on display.
We also learned that the Monarch Butterfly is on the endangered species list. I had no idea!
Here's Mikey who's a little scared that the shark might eat him.
Jovie loved playing in the water table. She told me that she wanted to make a folcado. I wasn't sure how to make one of those, but she seemed happy with the volcano...ha!

They had a farm there too, which was by far Jovie's favorite part. We met some very nice farm animals.

This goat was so nice....he thought he'd jump right up and say Hi!

We were able to make two of Jovie's dreams come true on this little trip. First, she finally got to see a Peacock with it's tail feathers open. She still hasn't stopped talking about it. There were actually two....first a white one opened his tail, and then the colorful one followed. Jovie asked me if you made the Peacocks open their tail feathers, and I told her that you probably gave them a little nudge.

Jovie's second dream came true when she got to go on a pony ride.....twice. She looked very comfortable on that little horse, and loved every minute of it. Mikey liked it too, but he was a little more serious about it.

As Mikey would say "It was a special day". Still missing you baby boy, and loving you with every breath I take.


Colleen said...

I'm glad that you and kids are enjoying these outings together and finding little reminders of Carter as you go along. That looks like such a fun place. Sending more hugs.

Jhari said...

Kids now a days are growing up so fast. Jovie's so cute. I love her eyes.

Phyllis said...

That is a great picture of Jovie!! And so nice that their wishes are so easily fullfilled at this age!

wendy said...

what a perfect day full of memories. that pic of jovie is breathtaking. such a beauty. and i'm glad she got to see the peacock in all it's glory. xoxo.