June 2, 2009

Getting Ready

We're getting ready for picnic day. It's happening very very soon. Carter had an echo today, and had to be sedated for it. Luckily, he had no negative reaction to the drug that they gave him. We also got all of the home care equipment ordered, and will be going to the hospital tomorrow to learn how to use it. All that will be left is the mountain of paperwork, and saying goodbye to the support system we've had for 10 weeks.


Rachael said...

This will be the hardest and happiest day of your life. I cried all day and the night before. It is so exciting but extremely nerve racking. The NICU has been your life for the past 10 weeks. But all the tears and the worry will be sooooo worth it. You are a great mother and have a fabulous hubby, so together you will be the best for Carter. Congrats guys. We will be waiting for the BBQ.

Stephie said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you all! Prayers for a smooth transition. I still have that package for you. *blush*