Look at your big brother. He's getting so big! I just wanted to thank you, my sweet boy, for making Mikey even more compassionate than he already was. I know that you have had a lot to do with it, and I am so very proud of both of my boys!
I pick him up from school every day, and nearly every day he has a little something for Jovie in his backpack. Mikey gets to earn these things called Teddy Bear bucks. When he gets 10, he gets to do a little shopping. He NEVER purchases something for himself....he always gets something for Jovie. It doesn't matter if it's a pink bracelet, he's not embarrassed. The other day, he told me that he wishes he could pick something for you. Quite honestly, I do too!
Mikey had show and tell a couple of weeks ago, and he chose to take his Team Carter bracelet. I didn't really want to coach him on what to say about it, so I was anxious to hear how it went. He told me that he showed his class the bracelet, and told them that it was to remember how much he loves his baby brother. The first thing that got to me was the fact that he called you his baby brother....I don't think I've ever heard him say that before. The second thing was the fact that he knows exactly what that bracelet represents.
Mikey misses you very much. I just wanted to let you know how much he loves you, and that I am very proud of both of you.
Mikey sounds like a very sweet and compassionate big brother!
Oh gosh, what a sweatheart!!
What a sweet big brother!!
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