March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh my gosh! I loved that!! :) How cute are his little noises, and what a rock star he is sitting up!!! :)

Sherry C said...

I loved that video too .. wow he is loving his daddy isn't he. Great sitting and just off the chart cute my gosh.

Lacey said...

Oh that giggle is the cutest thing ever! Look at him sitting that big boy!

my life: said...

Thank you so much for sharing that! Seriously WAY too cute!!!
I LOVE his tiny voice!

Phyllis said...

OMG that is so precious!! Just what I have been wanting, to see him in action! I love the giggle and of course, the sitting up! I have tears in my eyes at what a big boy he is! I have fallen for a baby boy I have never met!

Stefanie and Jeff said...

What a cutie! I loved it! Happy Birthday to you too!

Kelli said...

That video was great in so many ways! Yay for sitting up!! Yay for giggles!! :) Love, love, love it!