August 14, 2011

Carter's Hope

Thank you so much for all of the comments, emails, and messages about our plea for help with our new project. You have helped us to see exactly what we need to be doing.

We are very excited to announce Team Carter’s newest project, Carter’s Hope. This is a place where we will be providing support for parents who are just learning that they will join our world of Special Needs Parenting. We want this to be a place where we can show that no matter what there is always, ALWAYS HOPE.

I hope that you will join us in spreading Carter’s Hope by sharing your story about your journey in the special needs world. As this site grows we will be adding sections full of information that may be helpful to these new parents such as advice, a comprehensive list of “special needs friendly” doctors, and information on applying for different types of assistance.

If you would like to share your story, please send me an email at . Feel free to share as little or as much as you feel comfortable with, and we would love it if you included a picture. Here are just a few questions to help guide you through your writing:
When did you find out that you would be a Special Needs parent and what was your child’s diagnosis?

What is your child’s diagnosis, and what kind of special needs does he/she have?

What has your journey been like?

What do you wish you would have known at the start of your journey?

What advice would you give to a new parent in the special needs world?

What kind of assistance have you received for your child, and what was the process to receive it?

Did you ever have a doctor/therapist act like there was no hope for your child, and he/she proved them wrong?

Do you have a blog that you would like us to link to? If so, please include the address and we’ll add it to our blog roll.

I look forward to getting the ball rolling on this. I will begin posting the stories on September 15th when our hosted site will be up and running. As always thank you so much your support. I appreciate how Team Carter can keep Carter's memory alive.

Love you all!