February 23, 2012

The 40 Little Things.....That Aren't So Little

Dear Carter and our Readers,
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and I had intended on writing a post about it and didn't make it to the computer....so perhaps this post should really be titled 39 Days. 
As you probably remember, last year we did an awesome project leading up to your birthday which we had called The Random Acts Of Carter.  It turned out quite fabulous, and a lot of people participated which was amazing to me. I loved every minute of it!

I still might decide to do it again, but for now I decided to work on something a little different.  I read a book last year called 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  It wasn't an easy read for me, but it was challenging in a lot of good ways.

Basically, the author describes her faith journey as she starts to appreciate even the littlest gifts that God has given us. And I really try hard to do that each and every single day, but I'm not going to lie.....it gets hard when the missing you hurts too much.

This is just a very hard season for me, and I guess that I'm looking for any ways that I can praise God instead of maybe being angry with him just that little tiny bit. (gosh, that feels awful to type out).

Sooooo, long story short I'm starting my very own challenge, and I invite anybody who would like to join to PLEASE do so.  I'd much rather not do this alone, and I would love to see if we can all be uplifted a bit by it. 

Basically, I'm going to be posting some of my favorite gifts from God....no matter how LITTLE....for the next forty days (probably 39 since I missed yesterday lol).

This isn't going to be easy, but I feel like I have to do SOMETHING more during this Lenten season.  SOMETHING that will make me realize that there is much MUCH more to be thankful to God for....including giving you your ultimate healing which lately has been hard to be happy about since I miss you oh so much.

Who knows, maybe I'll even learn something along the way??

And so, I'm asking our readers, would you like to join in our our "The 40 Little Things....That Aren't So Little" challenge?  I am going to be posting a linking widget at the end of my posts where we can all come together to read about each other's journey.  I am hoping that this will turn out to be just fabulous, and I can't wait to see where it takes us. I will make my first post about this later on tonight.

Happy Lent All!

1 comment:

Allison said...

What a great post. I started thinking about it too and I'm making a list of 40 things (or are going to try to anyway) - Not sure if I'll blog them, but I love the idea.